I am having troubles making a simple cube jump in 3D (As I am a “Noob” because I started only a few days ago) and I would appreciate if someone could help. I have already tried some things I found online, after I had tried to do it on my own, but I cant seem to get the answers I need. Whenever I get something from online, I tweak the errors and whatnot, but the problem I am having from online tutorials, is that If I jump up, I can continue to jump. I am using Unity 2018.1.1f1. If you could give me the script, or even a YouTube tutorial link, that would be fine by me. This also must be in C#. Thanks for your time.
Hello, sorry I have no actual script but I can say this : it depends whether you are using Physics or not. If you do, you should apply a force to your cube’s rigidbody, if not, you could play with the cube’s Transform values. You also should verify if it’s grounded or not, to prevent “air jumping” ,which I suppose could be done by testing if the summit vertices are in contact with the ground. Hope that will help even a little.