just a quick demo vid


Just thought I’d post a quick vid for all to see… its for this F1 game I am working on at the moment… all comments welcome!

That looks quite promising as a matter of fact! Looks like you are heading in the right direction. How did you create the race track?

This is the most important thing I can tell you, when you build for a post here (build it and like/attach to a post here, please do), either don’t include shadows, or make the shadows an option that people have to select before playing. From experience, shadows, for me, tend to suck up frames like, well, shadows. If it’s an in game option, that’s ok, but it’s nest to be left out entirely, or selected by the user before playing, or turned off as a default and activatable by an in-game menu.

Just a note from the guy running on a Mac Mini, with no processing and graphics power. :wink:

But, please listen to what I said.

Looks really nice, coming along well…

I have a suggestion for the shadow, have a blob shadow as well as the realtime shadow which is basically a render of AO between the car and the floor, would look sweet.

Nice work.

I built the track in 3d max using a spline curve… they can auto generate UVs so its a great way to start. I haven’t created any camber’s in the road yet but I am thinking I probably will… if I find time over the christmas break I’ll try and pop up a tutorial on the unity artist forums

Looks good so far Joe.

I like the dramatic lighting. How did you go about getting the painted lines on the road? Is it one texture or is there some better way to do them?

A suggestion, you might consider giving elevation as well as cambers to the track. Some ups and downs make for more dynamic gameplay.

Keep up the good work,


Looking good! 8)

Hey all… quick update with a new video… I’ve been working on adding a “Richer” soundscape by having an extra audio source that handles the higher end of the revs… As it was the pitch bend just couldnt reach the kinda sound an F1 car makes. Obviously its not been properly “Tuned” yet but its getting there


With regards the texture… yeah its simply a single tile-able texture with the lines intact
My intention is to do more variations of the road texture so as to keep things interesting. Just to note it uses the alpha for specularity

I also intend to work on the cambers of the road too… it certainly needs it.

Cheers for the feedback people!

no worries man… when I get round to building I’ll be sure to be accommodating :slight_smile:

Looks and sounds better with every new post Joe!