just a simple question

I am new to unity…I am moving from torque…
My question is now that Unity3d is free, will there still be updates to the engine?

I dont want to put in alot of time on a project only for the engine to die…

Thats kind of what happened to when I was using Blade3D…lol

So will Unity still be worked on, releasing bug fixes and everything?

thanks and advance.
BTW so far I like what i see:)

Unity is free, Unity Pro is $1500. Unity iPhone Basic is $400, and Unity iPhone Advanced is $1500. (Oh, and Unity3D is a different engine entirely. :wink: Seriously, it is. We’re talking about Unity here.) They just got over $5 million in funding (in addition to being self-funded and successful before now), do you really think they’re just going to take the money and run? :slight_smile:


Unity has a free license, there are many features were are not available with this version. Unity Tech is not, by any means, abandoning the software. They’ve received a $5mil investment recently to continue their growth.

The free license isn’t a sign that the engine is dying, but a marketing strategy to attract new and potential developers who would hopefully find it worthwhile to buy the iphone or pro licenses.

OHh I didnt know that lol. Thanks for the replies everyone.

And btw: Welcome!

Despite some of the rumblings of the price change we have a great community here. Hope you have fun with it! :slight_smile: