England, 11:10 nothing
5:20PM CST
Nothing here yet either.
Unsure whats going on.
19:35 Argentine, South America
No News!..
Wish they had at least announced something. This is quite disappointing.
I feel like they actually forgot it…
The 2D essentials pack was the reason behind my subscription actually.
I was waiting for it like a 10 yo child before christmas, hope it’ll deliver soon
same lol
I’m sure they haven’t forgot about us, remember Unite Europe just happened and Unity 2017 is releasing in July. They may be busy at the moment but it is all for us, a little patience goes along way.
Of course they didn’t, but still they should announce anything soon.
California is still waiting, no news… the 2d pack is what got my eye too.
the 2D pack looked very promising and the last asset wasn’t even know at this point
I’m just hoping we get it sometime today. they must be pretty busy
Time Check what time is it where your at, California 5:12 pm
they might release it at 12 am tho
So while waiting, why not tell people what we are gonna do with the packs ?
I’m gonna start:
2D Pack:
I was thinking about a super cool 2.5D/3D platformer mix with a lot of puzzles and dozens of challenges.
basically like 10 seconds ninja but in 3D and a lot more content + puzzles to solve etc
That sounds good needforbleed, I’m going to make a idle game with the ui software that comes with the 2d pack.
Yeah that UI framework looks great too.
Looking forward to making some cool UIs with it
any updates yet guys?
Nothing yet andyg101…
Any luck anyone?