Just dragged and dropped a scene from one Unity project to another...

And it looked like it worked as the new scene appeared in the project folder, but none of the content was dragged over!

I know that Unity has the tools to do this as we can export scenes and any assets and code related to them, so why not do this in the background when I do a scene drag and drop between projects!

Kind of seems like something that would be required VERY infrequently, if at all, by most developers?

Well I’ve just exported and imported the scene and it worked but it took about 6 steps.


  1. Select Scene
  2. Select Export Scene
  3. Choose directory and enter filename for export
  4. OK the export
  5. Select Import Scene form other projects window
  6. OK the import.

But the same action could have been accomplished by dragging and dropping the scenes between projects and confirming the related content being exported.

It would be a nice feature to have and developers tend not to use features that don’t exist or work.

Correct. When you drop an file in the project from another source, it just imports that file into the project. Functionally the same as if you were to copy/drag in os. A scene file doesn’t have content, just references. If you do the same with a prefab, it will be pretty much broken as well. While we can have multiple projects/editor instances open, it isn’t a Unity thing, it is an OS capability. You can also drag a scene or prefab into a text editor or any other app (that accepts it).