Just purchased Unity Indie...some issues with C4D<->Un

Hi all! I’m a proud new owner of Unity Indie! :smile:
I hope i’ll integrate soon in this great community (until now i’ve been lurking), and i have a fresh question for you :slight_smile:

I created some basic things in C4D just for trying the autosave-update thing within Unity, a few cubes with applied various materials.

When i save them into the project assets folder, i see them appear (and update themselves automatically - that’s great), but when i dragndrop them into the scene, they come WITHOUT any material.
How it is?
Do i have to put and recreate MANUALLY every material i create with C4D into unity?

Just for info, i save them in .C4D format. I see that unity also creates a “Material” folder and in it there should be my materials, but i only see one material, but in c4d scene i have two of them.

How can i fix that?
Akabane :smile:

The materials should carry over to Unity if you have textures applied to the objects in C4D and if those textures are located within your Unity project Asset folder.

Thanks for the fast-ast-ast reply!
Where do i have to put the texture, in some specific folder? Thanks

You just have to put them in the Assets folder (I usually make a folder named “_Textures” just to stay organized). The main point is that the file path to the texture is the same in C4D and Unity.

Just now i did this try, step by step.

I have a new project folder called “Project1” inside “Documents”
Inside the Project1->Assets folder i have “tex” folder, which contains the textures i’ll be using in C4D. (first time opening the project with the tex folder, the unity refreshes the list of things inside the assets folder, comprised my textures.

I now open C4D.
I import an UNTEXTURED object (whathever it is, just now i tried with an UFO) and create new materials, use color,bump and other things using the textures i put into Documents/Project1/Assets/tex folder, and assign them to various objects.

Then i save the .c4d file into Documents/Project1/Assets, calling it, say, UFO.c4d.

Unity refreshes the assets list, now i have the ufo.c4d inside the assets and i can put it into a scene, when i dragndrop it into scene view, it has no textures at all.

Did i do something the wrong way?

That sounds like you’re doing everything right. If you manually attach the proper texture to the right Material does the texture UV map properly on the object?

In C4D: Make sure you have your texture in the “Color” channel. If there is nothing in the “Color” channel in your applied texture within C4D it won’t come over right into Unity. Did you UV map your objects?


Now i prepared myself with some reference images to explain the situation better.
Here is my model and some simple renders of the model textured in C4D:

Here i have my model in C4D in the “1” image, and renders on how the material looks in “2” and “3”.
Then the Unity shots, 4, 5 and 6. In the 4 and 5 you see that we don’t have any material applied correctly and in 6 i tried to apply manually the texture.

I only have the first 3 shots attached since that’s the limit, here’s the link to the remaining 3:

4th image: ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs
5th image: ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs
6th image: ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs

Lemme know if you find something useful in those :slight_smile:

Alpha maps/textures are done a bit differently in Unity. You can have your alpha right in your diffuse material/texture. To do so simply add another alpha channel in photoshop and save your texture. It’s kinda hard to tell what’s wrong with your scene without having the model/textures here.
