... just want to say Hello Thank You Unity Team

i just want to say Hello.
I’m new to Unity3D but after 30 Day Trial i bought just the Pro also for iPhone.
Well i hope that the iPhone stuff will stay Mac only because that’s why i’m here.
I was not sure after you announce the 2.5 Windows Edition. I was a bit disappointed because i switch 2 Years ago to the Mac Plattform because of the User. After 10 Year’s experience with Windows and it’s User’s i was fat up with that… :frowning: (I worked in a Company for Mac Win Software in the Support Team… i can tell Story’s about User Generic…)
So i try Linux but it’s lack of good App’s. So i came to the Mac and i’m very very Happy with my Mac the Apple Community !!! There mostly buy all Software there use and behave well in most Forums real Life. I was really surprised :slight_smile:
I never could believe that this is true but now after 2 Years i can tell you there is a difference…

Thank you Unity Team for the great 2.5 Release !!! I love the new Interface Design !!!
God Job well done !!!
I have now a problem if i use the iPhone Edition !!! I miss the new Interface features a lot!
Hopefully you update the iPhone Edition also with the new Interface Design :slight_smile: … can’t wait !

So here are some odd’s …

I miss some elements in the iPhone Tutorials like Scoring in the Trooper example and Menu Stuff. So it’s a great example but i would be much better when it was a complete Game with Start Menu (Calibrating Settings etc.), Game with Score, End Menu with Name Score. Like i miss a complete Game to learn from. I’m shure i would be solve most questions from many Users in the Forum.

Why there are 3 Programming Language in Unity ?
Well it’s great to have for the Programmers but for others it’s very difficult to learn.
There is this Unity Javascript :roll: it’s not the same many of us know…
Than C# Sharp :smile:
and Boo :o
So there is no statement that you can’t mix them all …
But if i mix C# Unity JavaScript than i get really big problems on the iPhone and on my Mac.
It’s difficult to call each other etc…
Nobody tells you what is better now… also the Examples are all in JavaScript but why than use C# Boo ???
Why not only use JavaScript and many Problems are solved ?
Why not use only C# on iPhone or in general because it’s faster ? but saver because of strong typing… etc.

So that is really confusing me !!! and of course sleepless night’s … :roll:

But all in all it is a great Tool and i’m happy that you are a Danish Company !!! :wink:
Stay here Stay Danish and don’t sell yourself to someone !
Thank You
Kerstin :sweat_smile:

Menu on unity iphone and scoring is the same as in the regular unity, so you might want to give those resources a go as well.
menu generally thought is pretty well covered in the gui documentation

language: the different options are there to give you different possibilities. boo thought isn’t one on iphone, I guess the non support for dynamic typing might be the reason behind that as the same restriction applies to js

It’s not any faster and Javascript is just as strongly typed, but Javascript does add some size because of having to include extra libraries.


unity iPhone will most likely stay OS X - only as the project build pipeline requires Xcode which isn’t likely to go cross-platform as long as mr. Jobs still stands.

But if it were possible then why not go cross-platform? More potential customers = more money = more power to unity!

The three languages are there because people come from very different backgrounds here and why put people through learning a new language when they can just use what they’re already familiar and effective with?

Most likely Boo isn’t supported on the iPhone because theres no AOT compiler for it.

C# isn’t necessarily faster than JavaScript or Boo. Everything is compiled to .net assemblies in the end, executed in the same runtime. If you don’t know what you’re doing, C# could potentially be faster than the two others since it is more explicit, but if you don’t know what you’re doing then anything could be faster :wink:

Likely, unity chose JavaScript/UnityScript as their primary supported language for marketing reasons “Hay! I know JavaScript! I’m going to make games!”.

Oh and welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay :slight_smile:

Oh and it is indeed possible to get multiple languages working together. It just requires some compiler trickery to get done. Specifically you need to make sure that the script you need to access is compiled before the script you’re accessing it from. For more information, check out this article: Unity - Scripting API:

Hey many thxx for your answers !
So the only difference is the build Size on Unity iPhone with C# js.
Hmmm is it a huge difference ?
Ok so because of Performance reason i don’t have to care if i use C# or JS.
Only care about with js that i use #pragma @ the beginning of my script ?

I’m not sure what you’re referring to with the build size issue regarding C# vs. JS - I don’t have any experience with unity iPhone, but that sounds a bit odd.

#pragma: Yes that is a requirement. Script performance: The importance of your own script-writing performance (basically familiarity with the language of choice) far outweighs that of the runtime (I dare you to find significant differences :wink:).


Not necessary with Unity iPhone since that’s not an option; basically all Javascripts act like they have an invisible “#pragma strict” anyway in that case.


Ah nice.