Hello guys, I was playing with my ArrowHead project and I decided to test some functions thinking in a bullet hell game that I want to create in some far, far away future. The bullet control part worked well until 100-200 bullets in the screen, after this the FPS went under of 60fps. But this topic is about a script that I made to control the bullets’ “existence”.
For example, I have a object that shoot 50 bullets every second, each bullet have 2 seconds of life and this object have 30 seconds of life. So why should I create 1500 bullets when I can create 100 bullets and recycle them. So I did this script and I am looking for feedback, it is working pretty well in my platform game but my game is pretty simple. Maybe I’ll upload it to wiki if it is good ( I want to post something there )
#pragma strict
#pragma downcast
public var freeObjects : Array = null;
public var inUseObjects : Array = null;
// Effects objects to creation and destruction, it is optional
public var creationObjectBuffer : ObjectBuffer = null;
public var creationSound : AudioClip = null;
public var creationTimeEffectInterval : float = 0.5;
private var lastCreationEventTime : float = -999;
public var destructionObjectBuffer : ObjectBuffer = null;
public var destructionSound : AudioClip = null;
public var destructionTimeEffectInterval : float = 0.5;
private var lastDestructionEventTime : float = -999;
public var bufferedObject : GameObject = null;
function Start ()
freeObjects = new Array();
inUseObjects = new Array();
if( bufferedObject == null )
Debug.LogError("The object buffer cannot buffer null object.");
function fillBuffer( num : int )
if( bufferedObject == null )
Debug.LogError("The object buffer cannot create a buffer with null object.");
else if( num < 1 )
Debug.LogError("The object buffer cannot create zero or minus objects.");
var i : int;
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
freeObjects.Push( GameObject.Instantiate( bufferedObject, Vector3( -10, -10,0 ), Quaternion.identity ) );
/* Empty the buffer, but it can't free the elements in use */
function emptyBuffer()
var i : int = 0;
var object : GameObject;
for( i = 0; i < freeObjects.length; i++ )
object = freeObjects[i];
GameObject.Destroy( object );
freeObjects = new Array();
if( creationObjectBuffer != null ) creationObjectBuffer.emptyBuffer();
if( destructionObjectBuffer != null ) destructionObjectBuffer.emptyBuffer();
/* Destroy all */
function destroyBuffer()
var i : int = 0;
var object : GameObject;
for( i = 0; i < inUseObjects.length; i++ )
object = inUseObjects[i];
GameObject.Destroy( object );
if( creationObjectBuffer != null ) creationObjectBuffer.destroyBuffer();
if( destructionObjectBuffer != null ) destructionObjectBuffer.destroyBuffer();
GameObject.Destroy( gameObject );
function createObject( pos: Vector3, rotation : Quaternion ) : GameObject
var object : GameObject;
if( freeObjects.length != 0 )
object = freeObjects[freeObjects.length - 1];
setObjectActive( object, true );
freeObjects.RemoveAt( freeObjects.length - 1 );
object.transform.position = pos;
object.transform.rotation = rotation;
object = GameObject.Instantiate( bufferedObject, pos, rotation );
inUseObjects.Push( object );
if( creationTimeEffectInterval + lastCreationEventTime <= Time.time )
if( creationObjectBuffer != null )
creationObjectBuffer.createObject( pos, rotation );
if( creationSound != null )
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint( creationSound, pos );
lastCreationEventTime = Time.time;
return object;
function destroyObject( object : GameObject )
object.transform.position.x = -10;
object.transform.position.y = -10;
setObjectActive( object, false );
inUseObjects.Remove( object );
freeObjects.Push( object );
function getBufferedObject() : GameObject
return bufferedObject;
function setObjectActive( object : GameObject, b : boolean )
object.SetActive( b ) ;
How to use
private var pinBuffer : ObjectBuffer; //Just create a gameObject, put the ObjectBuffer component and fill its variables
//Creating a pin, whoever it designed to destroy this object must have access to its buffer
var pin : GameObject = pinBuffer.createObject( Vector3(4,4,0), Quaternion.identity );
// Destroying the pin
Thanks for the attention