Keep draw calls low with animation + mix match

I want to be able to take animated meshes, and let players combine them in different ways. After they are combined, they will stay combined. So, is there a way that I can avoid having to have a bunch of draw calls? That is, can a combined animation be created for a combined mesh?

Good question; I was thinking about this the other day. Combining the meshes with all the boneweights, bindposes and so on is no problem, but I’m not sure how you’d do the actual animation bit. I think you’d need an AnimationClip.GetCurve() function, but there’s only SetCurve() that I can see. There’s GetEditorCurve() but I don’t think that helps. I only need the boneweight etc. stuff at the moment so didn’t pursue it any farther, so I could be missing something.
