Keep Rigidbody upright using torque.

Im trying to make some kind off physics based fighting game. The character is a flying cube witch cube hands (see video hah).

        Quaternion deltaRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(RightHand.rotation) * transform.rotation;//Transform.rotation is the rotation i want to achive
        Vector3 deltaAngles = deltaRotation.ToEulerAngles();
        Vector3 worldDeltaAngles = RightHand.transform.TransformDirection(deltaAngles);
        float alignmentSpeed =  2f;
        float alignmentDamping = 0.01f;
        RightHand.AddTorque(alignmentSpeed* worldDeltaAngles- alignmentDamping * RightHand.angularVelocity);

I use this code to make the hands rotate with the body, it works well with empty hands(see green hand). But when i try to put an object in hand with larger mass than the hand itself i seem to get into problems.(hand mass = 0.5, sword mass =1).
It seems like i don’t have enough torque to deal with the elevated center of mass, but even if i multiply the torque a thousandfold i get the same results.

I have tried many different ways of doing this, the code above seemed to work the best.(Unarmed that is, i cant seem tho solve this problem in any way)

Too be honest, i found this code online and i dont really understand it 100%, cant really get my head around Quaternions. Im not a good programmer at all and i started playing around with unity a couple of days ago(This makes me wish i diddnt tho), so please bear with me.

If you can find i way to help me to get my cube-guy to hold his sword id be really greatfull.

Fixed it, diddnt know about “Physics.maxAngularVelocity”. Default 7, upped it to 100 and now it works fine.