Keep Root Motion on an Animation Layer from affecting the rest... [Solved I think]


I have a half snake half human character, and I’m attempting to rig it so that the upper body (human part) can be used with other human animations. I’ve created an avatar mask with just the upper body.

However, whenever I run the animations on that layer, the rest of the body (which isn’t part of the mask), gets affected by the upper body. I’m not sure, but I think root motion is affecting it.

Is there a way to keep the upper body from “moving” the rest of the model?


I didn’t realize there’s a difference between the picture of the human and the bone list in the Avatar Mask setup. I always thought the picture of the human was just like a quick “helper” of sorts. I was wrong.

Setting it up like this seems to work.

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Disable root motion?

I still want root motion to affect the character, but from the base layer. The character moves / walks and all that. But it appears that the lower portion is being swung around with the motion from the upper portion.

Is it possible to disable root motion for just one animation layer?

Hmmm try ticking bake into pose in the animation import settings for all animations you use in that layer.

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Thanks – that helped a bit. The “Upper Body” layer is now acting properly it looks like, but the Base Layer, which has the tail, is not. It actually gets swung up still, so maybe the issue is on the base layer instead.

I made a short 1 minute video showing the issue, if that helps.

I should point out that when the “Upper Body” animations do have movement (like a walk animation etc), the entire model moves. I would expect it to not move, however, I don’t know how to keep the root node of the body from being affected.

Solved, I think. C heck the top post

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