here is all my camera setting is standard assets.
clipping planes are 0.1
here is all my camera setting is standard assets.
clipping planes are 0.1
This has nothing to do with clipping planes. It happens because all faces of your house model point outwards. Unity (and pretty much all other graphics APIs) perform backface culling by default, meaning that the graphics card does not render the back faces of triangles. This is why your house is invisible from the inside, including when viewing inside walls through the door.
Hello again,
It’s been so long that I couldn’t remember if the DoubleSided shader is part of the standard Unity package or not. Look through again, because what you’re using is a particle shader, meant for things like sparks and fire, not houses. If you can’t find it, the following is the script for the DoubleSided shader. Simply paste the contents into a new js file, and save it to shaders.
Shader "DoubleSided" {
Properties {
_Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
//_BumpMap ("Bump (RGB) Illumin (A)", 2D) = "bump" {}
SubShader {
//UsePass "Self-Illumin/VertexLit/BASE"
//UsePass "Bumped Diffuse/PPL"
// Ambient pass
Pass {
Name "BASE"
Tags {"LightMode" = "Always" /* Upgrade NOTE: changed from PixelOrNone to Always */}
Color [_PPLAmbient]
SetTexture [_BumpMap] {
constantColor (.5,.5,.5)
combine constant lerp (texture) previous
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
constantColor [_Color]
Combine texture * previous DOUBLE, texture*constant
// Vertex lights
Pass {
Name "BASE"
Tags {"LightMode" = "Vertex"}
Material {
Diffuse [_Color]
Emission [_PPLAmbient]
Shininess [_Shininess]
Specular [_SpecColor]
SeparateSpecular On
Lighting On
Cull Off
SetTexture [_BumpMap] {
constantColor (.5,.5,.5)
combine constant lerp (texture) previous
SetTexture [_MainTex] {
Combine texture * previous DOUBLE, texture*primary
FallBack "Diffuse", 1