Keep Updating Varibales when Scene is reset?

Is it possible to NOT reset variables when the scene is reset? For example, the score keeps on updating but the scene and all positions are reset. Thank you.

If you want your score to be kept between game sessions, you have to serialize it.
The faster way to save the score is through PlayerPrefs. This option has a problem though: the data is kept in a redable file in your project, so the user can change it easily.
For most important data people use serialization with binary formatters. Binary formatters are programs that change your info to make it unreadable using zeros and ones.
Here’s a tutorial on how to serialize variables:

It could be a long topic, but it’s worth learnining it, because you’ll run into it several times.
Still, if you don’t care for people tampering the score, then the fastes solution is to save it in the playerPrefs, here you can see a shorter video: Saving Data in Unity: PlayerPrefs - YouTube