Keeping reference after scene reload

I am making a simple Pong game on IPhone. I have made a Singleton GameManager, which keeps references to the Score text, Game over panel and the ball. Whenever I reload my scene, all of those references are missing. How do I keep those gameobject references after reload?

Use DontDestroyOnLoad

private void Start(){
// or JS

private function Start(){

or that may be better…

private bool IsDontDestroy=false;

private void Start(){
IsDontDestroy = true;
private void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level){
private void DisableDontDestroy(){
IsDontDestroy = false;

or JS

private var IsDontDestroy=false;

private function Start(){
IsDontDestroy = true;
private function OnLevelWasLoaded(var level){
private function DisableDontDestroy(){
IsDontDestroy = false;

What if I want those objects become destroyable after load? How do I Undo DontDestroyOnLoad?