key combination: left shift + w + space ignored by Input.GetKeyDown

Unfortunately my character is unable to run and jump at the same time. This is because when i hold the forward key (W) and the run key (left shift) at the same time the jump key (space) will not be recognized any more.

I placed this testcode in an Update method. If I press left shift + w + space there is no print.

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour
void Update ()
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space))
print(“space was pressed”);

Pressing w+space or any other combination + space works fine.
Maybe someone else had this behaviour before?


Most keyboards have limitations with respect to how many keys can be registered at once, and which keys can be registered at once. That said, for shift-w-space not to register seems like it might be a little unusual (maybe it’s not though).

If you try to type those three keys together in different combinations in a text editor, do they all seem to register even when all three are held down at once?

Hi, thnx. You are completely right!
When I press left shift + s I’m able to type spaces in notepad. When I press left shift + w I’m unable to do it. So its not Unitys fault.

Thank you Jesse.
I will have to find another solution to this.