Key Rebinding and controller support

Hi guys, so I’m in the finishing stages of my game, and I’m adding controller and Rebinding support. Usually this is easy, it comes with unity via the input manager. However, I have not used the input manager in my scripts, for example I’ve made it so pressing a moves left and d moves right, as oppose to using the Horizontal input. Without changing my code, is there any way I can allow players to rebind their keys and use a controller?


I don’t see how you can do this without changing your code. I mean, if you have something mapped to a key code, then it’ll always be mapped to that code. You’d have to remap each key code to a different key code, which I don’t think is possible.

Possibly you could write your own Input class so your scripts use that instead of the default Unity version, but that would be more trouble than it’s worth.

Is there a reason you don’t want to change your scripts to use the Input manager?

Also, this should be in the scripting sub forum.