Keyboard Input Problem

Hi everyone !

I have a problem that I need help with. I want assign number 1,2,3 on the keyboard as hotkeys and whenever I press one of them, 3 objects 1,2,3 should have their materials changed accordingly to 3 sets of materials.

To make this easier to understand, for example when I press the "1" button on my keyboard, Object 1, Object 2 and Object 3 should have their materials changed to the material number 1 in their own material array. Below is my script to detect input and change the materials:

var materials_wall_left: Material[];

var materials_wall_right: Material[];

var materials_wall_top: Material[];

var getInput: String;

function Update()







function ChangeWallMaterial()


    getInput = Input.inputString;

    var count:int;



        if(count > materials_wall_left.length)

            Debug.Log("Invalid choice");

        else if(Input.GetButtonUp(""+ getInput))


            GameObject.Find("build_wall_left").renderer.material =


            GameObject.Find("build_wall_right").renderer.material =


            GameObject.Find("build_wall_top").renderer.material =






Now my problem is that my keyboard doesn't seem to work with this. I tried 1,2,3 but nothing changed. When I tried pushing 4, the Log "Invalid choice" popped up.

The interesting thing is that when I try to run this from another computer via Team Viewer, I can change objects' materials just fine, no problems at all. After that, I came back to the first computer and tried using a virtual keyboard, and it works. So I wonder what's the problem with my physical keyboard, or the script itself ? Oh, and I tried plugging in 4-5 other keyboards, and tried this scene on 3 another computers. Yes, and I got the same result everytime. If you've encountered this problem before or know how to solve it, please tell me ! Thank you very much !

Note: my Unity version is 3.2 pro.

“else if(Input.GetButtonUp(”“+ getInput))” is addressing logical buttons defined in the input manager (‘Edit’->‘Project Settings’->‘Input’)

… have you defined 1, 2 and 3 in there? or didn’t you really mean to use the input manager functionality?

However, my guess is that it all works if you replace

“else if(Input.GetButtonUp(”“+ getInput))”


“else if(0 < count)”

Hope it helps