Hello everyone.
After upgrading editor version from 2020.1.0f1 to 2020.1.1f1. I’ve noticed that spacebar stopped working in game window in editor. Had the same problem with version 2020.1.2f1.
I’ve made a simple script in new project that shows me every key press (using Input.GetKeyDown to be exact) to check what’s wrong on version 2020.1.2f1. Turns out some keys don’t work or register as something else e.g. in order to use spacebar input I need to check for O key. This doesn’t happen while testing the same script on version 2020.1.0f1.
This issue doesn’t affect text fields in editor but they’re affected by other issue (also occurs in 2020.1.0f1, not sure if it ever worked): I’m only able to type english characters. Pasting text with non-english characters works properly.
Lists of keys that I’ve checked so far and didn’t register at all:
[ and ] (both square brackets)
left alt
` (one above the Tab key)
And keys that registered as something else:
Alpha1 → BackQuote
Alpha4 → Z
Alpha5 → X
Alpha6 → C
Alpha7 → V
Alpha8 → B
Alpha9 → N
Alpha0 → Quote
- → K
= → Slash
= (when pressed together with Shift) → H
; → comma
’ → S
, → J
. → L
/ → Semicolon
Spacebar → O
Also I’ve noticed that in player build from both versions 2020.1.0f1 and 2020.1.0f1 Meta (Windows) keys don’t register properly:
Left Meta shows me LeftCommand twice while it registers once as LeftWindows in editor version 2020.1.0f1
Right Meta shows RightApple twice which doesn’t register in editor (both tested versions)
I’m using Unity on ArchLinux with KDE on Xorg. Please ask if you need more details.
I guess the same thing happens on Ubuntu as reported here: Jump Input is not working on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS