I am writing .anim file converter.
I have to add AnimationCurve to .anim file and save.
I call SetCurve to add scale key.
clip.SetCurve(newPath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", newCurve);
clip.SetCurve(newPath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", newCurve);
clip.SetCurve(newPath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", newCurve);
Inserted scale curve is ok.
But all “Rotation” key frame is generated like screen shot.
Before Call SetCurve “Animation Window”
After Call SetCurve “Animation Window”
I think interpolated keyframe is showed in editor after “setcurve call”.
Can I prevent to generate roate keyframe after “SetCurve”?
I need your helps…
Nothing wrong with SetCurve, works fine for me.
Your error is something else
AnimationClip clip;
void OnGUI () {
clip = (AnimationClip) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( clip, typeof( AnimationClip ), false );
if ( GUILayout.Button( "add a curve" ) ) {
AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve();
Keyframe[] keys = new Keyframe[] { new Keyframe( 0, 1 ), new Keyframe( 1, 4 ) };
curve.keys = keys;
clip.SetCurve( "", typeof( Transform ), "localScale.x", curve );
clip.SetCurve( "", typeof( Transform ), "localScale.y", curve );
clip.SetCurve( "", typeof( Transform ), "localScale.z", curve );
thank you for your replay.
I resolve this.
Change clip.SetCurve to AnimationUtility.SetEdtorCurve(deprecated)
I spent 3days to figure out.