Keyframing post process individual values with Timeline

I’m making a cut scene using a timeline (urp , Unity version : 2020.3.19f1).

Is there a way to set individual values of specific post-process attributes such as Bloom threshold, Intensity, or Depth of field start, End as keyframes using animation tracks in the timeline?

Instead of adjusting the weight of the volume or mixing the virtual camera in the cine machine,
Is there a way to intuitively adjust the individual values of post-process attributes?
Is there any plan for this feature to be added to the update?

Best regards,

As long as the Main Camera has a Animator component on it, I think you can animate any of the properties of the camera by creating an Animation Track in the Timeline. I don’t think it cares what the property is. The only question is whether you have a cinemachine virtual camera as well - then the animation track and the virtual camera might both be trying to set the same properties (only one will win). I am pretty sure I have animated the depth for depth of field directly on the Main Camera for example. I like that “visualize” checkbox to work out what is in focus on the Depth of Field component.

have each post processing setup in its own empty game object, and use timeline to active deactivate them

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