Could you share what version of the remote config package you are using?
You could find this by going to WINDOW > PACKAGE MANAGER
Search packages within your project and you will see a version number.
Would it also be possible to share your Organization Name so I can do some further investigation on your org? You can share that information in a direct message by clicking on my name and starting a conversation.
I was using “3.0.0-pre.3”. I just tried “3.0.0-pre.4” but same problem so I tried the release version of 2.1.2 and it fixed it!
It also appears to have fixed “A Native Collection has not been disposed, resulting in a memory leak”. Which looks like it might have been this . But rolling back to 2.1.2 fixed that as well.
Thanks for sharing your workaround and all your help in direct messages for confirming that the solution below works.
For anyone who wants to continue with version 3.0.0 and up please continue reading below.
For the new version of Remote config you would need to integrate the authentication service.
Here is additional documentation for the code integration in 3.0.0 and up
A quick extract of what would need to be done.
Import the package within your manifest.json located under Packages/manifest.json
using Unity.Services.Core;
using Unity.RemoteConfig;
using Unity.Services.Authentication;
I am seeing this and similar messages since upgrading to Unity 2021.3.21f1. I have Remote Config 3.3.1 and Authentication 2.4.0 installed, and have the SignInAnonymouslyAsync() code cited above running. However, I’m getting two instances of the error:
Rethrow as AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Could not resolve type with token 01000043 from typeref (expected class ‘Newtonsoft.Json.Utilities.AotHelper’ in assembly ‘Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed’)) (There is no component IActionScheduler registered. Are you missing a package?) (There is no component ICloudProjectId registered. Are you missing a package?) (There is no component IProjectConfiguration registered. Are you missing a package?) (There is no component IDiagnosticsFactory registered. Are you missing a package?)
I’m not using Newtonsoft.Json.Utilities (I use Litjson)
If I start Unity with debugging active, I get breaks on a dozen instances of a missing component, with repeated instances of the four cited in the message ( IActionScheduler ICloudProjectId IProjectConfiguration IDiagnosticsFactory) and also IEnvironments
The errors don’t have any obvious operational consequences, as Remote Config is working properly
What is causing this and what can I do to eliminate the errors?
Thanks for reporting this.
Can you please navigate to the root folder of your project, Project folder> Packages > packages-lock.json
Locate Remote-Config-Runtime
Please let me know the core version you are using
Look forward to your response.
As you can see, I am using remote-config-runtime 3.1.3 and 1.4.0
The only significant difference between my file and yours is that mine cites remote-config version 3.3.1, while yours specifies 3.2.2. Would it be worth trying a downgrade?
Finally, I was incorrect above when I said there were no operation consequences; in fact, Remote Config is not working at all. Also, it’s clear from this that the reference to newtonsoft-json comes from Remote Config itself.
Hi again,
Could you try the following please let me know your results:
Project folder> Packages > manifest.json
Open it the file and add this to the dependencies "": "1.8.1",
This will pull the latest CORE and remote config and other services will begin to use this core instead.
Please let me know if it solves the problem. I look forward to your response.
Thanks! That did it - Remote Config is working now.
FYI, my manifest.json looks quite a bit different from yours. It doesn’t have collab-proxy or feature.2d (or services.core). It does have ide.visualstudio and I inserted the line for services.core before that:
Unfortunately, I’m not out of the woods yet. Making the change does resolve the issue, but it comes back after a while. Restarting Unity fixes the problem again, but only temporarily. I’m wondering if there’s something that’s bringing back the older services.core. Should I change every reference in packages-lock.json?
Hi dtootill,
Modifying the package.lock will be overridden when reloading Unity.
Could you try the following:
add this after the dependencies closing bracket: ,"resolutionStrategy": "highestMinor"
bear in mind this will force all packages to use the latest versions and may cause you other issues so please test and make sure you don’t run into other problems.