Keys not found on ConfigOrigin.Remote

Hi, i’m currently use Remote Config for my game. It’s work, but have some bugs what i found here:

1/ Dupplicate trigger FetchCompleted

// Use this for initialization
    protected override void Awake()

        // Add a listener to apply settings when successfully retrieved:
        ConfigManager.FetchCompleted += ApplyRemoteSettings;

        // Fetch configuration setting from the remote service:
        ConfigManager.FetchConfigs<UserAttributes, AppAttributes>(new UserAttributes(), new AppAttributes()

    void ApplyRemoteSettings(ConfigResponse configResponse)
        // Conditionally update settings, depending on the response's origin:
        switch (configResponse.requestOrigin)
            case ConfigOrigin.Default:
            case ConfigOrigin.Cached:
            case ConfigOrigin.Remote:

Results on editor and real devices:


2. Settings is empty on ConfigOrigin.Remote:

// Use this for initialization
    protected override void Awake()

        // Add a listener to apply settings when successfully retrieved:
        ConfigManager.FetchCompleted += ApplyRemoteSettings;

        // Fetch configuration setting from the remote service:
        ConfigManager.FetchConfigs<UserAttributes, AppAttributes>(new UserAttributes(), new AppAttributes()

    void ApplyRemoteSettings(ConfigResponse configResponse)
        // Conditionally update settings, depending on the response's origin:
        switch (configResponse.requestOrigin)
            case ConfigOrigin.Default:
            case ConfigOrigin.Cached:
            case ConfigOrigin.Remote:
                if(ConfigManager.appConfig.GetKeys().Length <= 0)
                       Debug.LogError("Keys not found! " );

Results on editor and real devices:

1st: No error
2nd: No error
3rd: Keys not found!

It's not frequently

We are aware of the duplicate fetches. Can you share a screenshot of your Development settings in the Editor Remote Config dialog? Was this working previously? We are looking into the intermittent data

Hi, my settings is just simple default key/value string. Like what i determine above, it’s trigger “ConfigOrigin.Remote”, but it’s not return data. Yes, it’s working previously, and error is not frequently show up. You can see it’s work on normal on 1st, 2nd, but fail on 3rd. Then on 4, 5, 6 try times, it’s working, but suddenly on 7 try times, it’s fail.

Can you share a screenshot of your Development settings. You have the debug output “It’s not frequently” but I’m not seeing that in your code, perhaps it was just an inline comment? Please post the actual debug output.

Hi Jeff,

I’m getting the same issue. My game can make several calls to remote config just fine… and then randomly a couple of calls will return Remote & Success - but there is no keys or data.

I don’t have any steps to reproduce, and it seems quite random. eg. I might get 8 calls in a row return with data. and then 2 in a row return empty - and then it gets the data again on the next call.

I just tested and it looks to be working correctly here. Is this still happening? Was this working for you previously?