KickStarter - Exiles of Chiron

KickStarter Link:


Exiles of Chiron is a multiplayer top-down spaceship shooter with customizable ships, weapons, hulls, shields and skins. The game has a MOBA influence, but we’re wanting it to be a little more accessible to casuals. The game is currently in an alpha state, but is very much playable. Earlier this week we had our largest play test with around 15 people. We’re working nights and weekends to add more content. The KickStarter is to help raise money for Unity3D licenses, and artwork for the game. We’d love for y’all to take a look at our game.

We’re a two man team called Bat Country Games. Exiles of Chiron was done with Unity3D Indie and honestly wouldn’t have been possible without it.

We released to KickStarter last night, and the project will run for 43 more days. Thanks in advance to anyone that donates or shares the KickStarter link.

I’ll check back here throughout the day to answer any questions. Lortimus is the other half of this team, so he might be responding as well.



Added the YouTube video.

Lookin’ good! Keep up the good work!

Thanks! If anyone is interested, Ill be checking back in this thread to answer any questions about the game, game design process, our experiences with Unity, etc


We’ve also started a Reddit thread for anyone interested:

I’ll post on the work forums as well, but we are looking for an UI artist, music and sound effects. If anyone is interested or has a recommendation, please respond here or send me a PM.

Looks cool, good luck with the kickstarter.
Do you guys read Kotaku? They sometimes feature kickstarter projects which helps with exposure - though I guess they just pick them out fairly randomly - fingers crossed they pick up on this :slight_smile:

Read it daily. Sent them an email yesterday introducing the project, so hopefully we’ll get picked up by them. :slight_smile:

We’ve raised 12% of our goal. Please help us get the word out!

Posted a new video. We’re also up to 18% on the KickStarter. Making great progress. :slight_smile:

Nice Game!
Which networking solution did you choose for this?

PS: Bat Country is from Fear and Loathing in LV, isn’t it? Great movie :wink:

Interesting game, I like it so far :slight_smile:

I’m working on something very similar myself!

Indeed. :slight_smile:

We actually wrote our own networking solution. We played with a couple of frameworks but they didn’t give us the control that we wanted. Our server backend is Java and our server is C#. I know the networking question comes up on the Unity forums constantly, so let me know if you have any questions. I’ll gladly answer them.

Updated the post to include our DIYGamer article:

Added a new video showcasing our tank ships.

What kind of networking did you use, was it the built in Unity or an external program thing. Curious to learn networking and how it all works within Unity. Thanks.

We built a custom solution. When we started there weren’t any options for authoritative server frameworks, not sure if there are any options available now. We opted for authoritative servers because we wanted to avoid cheating at the highest level possible. Valve has published a lot of good documentation regarding their networking logic, so we followed their concepts as much as possible.

If you don’t require authoritative servers, then there are a few frameworks available but they are fairly pricey.