Kill animation between 2 diferent characters

I’m trying to make a game where you press a button and then an animation plays where your character does something with his sword and an enemy character dies. (Like a qte)

The thing is, I don’t know how to make it so both characters “share” the animation so it works properly. By properly I mean that if my character slashes, then the enemy responds at the same time being hit, and also that the sword hits him and not the air.

I’m trying to do it with blender but I don’t know the proper way.

Should I animate everything in unity? Should I animate both characters in one scene of blender and then somehow import that to unity? or animate them separetly and then adjust it manually?

To make matters worse, both characters are different objects in the game, so i can make my character freely and then if i encounter him, i can play the combat animation.

Any help is appreciated, thank you very much

I guess I could help with that.
What I did, I do a raycast from the player first to get the character I want to play it on. There is a way in Unity where you can directly call the animation you want to play. So, after I let go of the button, I call that animation of the enemy and play my animation on the player and since they animations are synced i.e. have the exact number of frames, they play together and seem like the player is killing the enemy however, it’s just two separate animations playing on two separate objects.

Result: Imgur: The magic of the Internet