Congrats on release. Do you have a comparison write up and images of how Kill Craft 2 improves upon Kill Craft 1?
The game looks a little fun, but unfortunately there are some glaring visual things that reduce the quality of the product in my opinion.
It looks like the game uses reusable/re-purposed assets which can be seen by some as a negative mark.
Also - most of the assets don’t match each other stylistically. All the characters and simple environment structures seem to match, but the weapons are a lot higher resolution than the block headed characters, and the resolution of the environments and fx seem to be slightly higher and different in style.
An example is the character animations are pretty snappy but the fx are smooth and loopy.
I wouldn’t normally point this out if it isn’t distracting, but in this instance it is distracting. The low resolution character holding the RPG and shotgun is an obvious example of two styles and resolutions of assets mixed to create a functioning game.
I think pixel blood fx would be a better fit to match the character style, and lower resolution weapon assets would bring cohesion to the other assets that don’t match the current character style.
Lastly the mix of live action sprite explosion, toon dust and 3D rock debris in the RPG explosion really doesn’t look very good.
For me personally - it apparent all the enemy characters use the same animation set - with the same feet sliding walk - which I personally can’t stand to see in a game.
I hope you don’t take constructive feedback as dumping on your game. I’m sure you spent some long development hours to get this released.
I agree that the style is a bit mixed up. I originally wanted to make it all toony, with outlines and all, but it was actualy easier to make realistic models because i did not have to design toon versions.
I was trying to make everything quickly because i’m the only one developer…
All enemies use their own animation set, but i’m not really good animator.
I didn’t understand what you meant by “reusable/re-purposed assets”.
reusable / re-purposed assets = assets from the asset store or pulled from other sources to be combined into this game.
Because of the disparity in style of the assets it looks they are reused/re-purposed.
This raises a very interesting point - is it more important to release quickly or on a set deadline, or is it more important to make difficult choices, release an entertaining product with a solid design, a unified style and consistent aesthetic.
You can specify which ones?
Because i don’t rembember taking much from assets store. Maybe one bush?
Ofcourse Photon assets were must and custom input manager.
When i started the project i was total noob. It did not take very long to make KillCraft 2 alpha. People liked it somewhat so i got inspired in making it even better. It took two years until i finished KillCraft 2 final, because i did not have time to work on it. My inspiration was gone midway of the project and in the last months i sort of pushed the project out. It is not as glorious as i had in my mind one/two years ago…
Your not understanding what I’m saying. It’s alright.
I’m saying because all the assets look different stylistically - it LOOKS like some of them are re-purposed. They maybe aren’t, but it looks like that because of the mixed style.