I’m still working on my app. I have this problem:
I’m working with Leap Motion, so I use both hands as cursors. I use “CleanRobotFullRightHand” and the other.
I have added to the skeleton of the hand (specifically, at the end of the middle finger) an sphere, with a rigid body. Firstly, it’s disabled and IsKinematic = true.
The fact is that when LeapMotion recognize a gesture (it’s already developed), it has to throw the ball straightforward, so I use this:
public GameObject esph;
public Rigidbody rigidEsph;
public void Start(){
esfera = cuerpoEsfera.gameObject;
esfera.SetActive (false);
rigidEsph.IsKinematic = true;
public void shot()
esfera.SetActive (true);
cuerpoEsfera.isKinematic = false;
cuerpoEsfera.AddForce (transform.forward * 200);
Why doesn’t the ball move itself?
Thanks in advance!