Kings Quest VI Mouse Controll

Hey guys, I cant find an exact answer to this question. Thought Id ask for some help in the right direction.
I’m looking for a solution KIND of what I would compare to Kings Quest VI. The mouse icon in the game switches between Pick Up, Speak, Examine, etc.
So basically what im asking is
how do I make the mouse icon in the game rotate through those Options with the mouse wheel. haha hope I explain it well, any help or questions are welcome!

Ex: Kings Quest VI Play-Through Part 1 - YouTube

Java or c# is fine, im not picky, but also Im bad at writing it, needs some help :slight_smile:

I wont write your code. But I’ll tell you how I would solve it.

I would make a “list of possible cursor/icons”. You could put them in an Array or build an Enum (Google the words if you dont understand what I am saying).

Then you can use Input.Mouse for your checks. Look in Unity Script references (documentation) Unity - Scripting API:

There are plenty of samples/ideas of how to read the mouse.

Hope I brought you forward and this was the answer you needed.