Knowledge for MMORPG

Hi, so within this year i want to start development of a mmorpg, i have experience in and java, however as straight up ill need to learn c#. I dont want to stick with RPG, i want to create an mmo, this way it can be multiplayer and if i end up actually making it happen, mmorpg it onto devices such as ios/ android.

Yes, there is server/ client considerations, map editor etc.

i have decent knowledge as i have worked in graal servers and another mmo rpg server for 4 years, working with level editr for making maps (levl/ map maker created in, animation creator/editor, graphics, coding (gscript 2) (nps, items/ weapons) etc,

in terms of animations, graphics and maps, i can do all of them and make a map editor in or XNA i believe.

Would i be able to make this with unity and how much should i learn (probably all of c#), i just want to learn as much so i “actually” have knowledge to create a mmorpg, once i gained knowledge, learned and started i have investment money if i really need help to get someone to make or code an area for me.

Yes it will take long etc but im really wanting to learn and make one as 3 years prior, i promised myself i will one day learn and make a 2D mmo

the game will look similar to:

this person made a mmo using c++ based off graal (provided in picture)

the video uses multithread for server which is no good, ( i will not be using multithread)

overall in basic, i just want to know what i need to learn and do in order to successfully build a mmo

nothing huge, just a few players and see where it can go from there.
found this link for making mmos, first option in reply seems pretty good since it supports login and most things of what a mmo needs

There’s no reason you can’t do this, but based off your language I would suggest you start much, much smaller and work your way up. Especially if you are learning a new language (C#) and a new engine (Unity).

If you’re dead set on making an MMO, I’d say break it up into as small a task as you can and tackle those.
For example, create the concept of a tile, then expand that into a map, perhaps then a map editor.

Key piece of advice: start small and work your way up when learning new things.

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Thanks, ill follow this, however i have an old engine of graal, level editor, animation, client/ server host and all that, i technically want to make it in that similar way as through unity rpgs ive seen how each item you want a block on needs to be placed, however the one i have now is pre defined eg, x,x,x,x part of tile is a non cross able object, player sees as wall/ cant pass.

as you can see their level editor:
gani maker(animation maker, animation player does for an item or to sit/ walk):

more information and how they work here:

History of game, converted to c++ etc:

IT would be great if someone can read up on these links and inform me how i should approach to make a game like it with similar editor etc, compared to other rpgs and editors, this game ( i worked as staff on for dev team, levels, animation) is probably the easiest and simple

tiles are pre set, example a stone image on tileset is pre defined as a “block” in server, in map editor you can just make map, add to server files in maps folder and in game type command "warpto x y levelname.nw), .nw is level extension for that games maps, and its all pre defined, this way i can have level editors make levels once game is done and hires staff

if you’re willing to help here and want to get a better view, i can provide the files in a zip or via team viewer to show how it is/ how it works etc so i can get a better advice on making a similar game with similar tools to it.

When you say MMO, do you mean something like a WoW-Type Game?

This gives the basic idea of how tile maps work:

This gives you an idea of how to make a editor script for a tile system:

Merge both together and add a visual tile picker and your set for the level editor part.

Like gizmoI said start small. Start with prototype projects tackling one aspect at a time while you build your programming skills and work out the concepts. Diving into a complex game, while learning an engine, learning to code and learning all the other things in one project is a sure fire way to end that project in frustration. Once you got each concept worked out you can start tying them together into combinations and then eventually your final game. I have 10x more concept projects then I do working products. Just some advice from an old geezer who has been doing this since the tsr80 was a thing.