Hi, so within this year i want to start development of a mmorpg, i have experience in vb.net and java, however as straight up ill need to learn c#. I dont want to stick with RPG, i want to create an mmo, this way it can be multiplayer and if i end up actually making it happen, mmorpg it onto devices such as ios/ android.
Yes, there is server/ client considerations, map editor etc.
i have decent knowledge as i have worked in graal servers and another mmo rpg server for 4 years, working with level editr for making maps (levl/ map maker created in vb.net), animation creator/editor, graphics, coding (gscript 2) (nps, items/ weapons) etc,
in terms of animations, graphics and maps, i can do all of them and make a map editor in vb.net or XNA i believe.
Would i be able to make this with unity and how much should i learn (probably all of c#), i just want to learn as much so i “actually” have knowledge to create a mmorpg, once i gained knowledge, learned and started i have investment money if i really need help to get someone to make or code an area for me.
Yes it will take long etc but im really wanting to learn and make one as 3 years prior, i promised myself i will one day learn and make a 2D mmo
the game will look similar to: https://cdn.mmos.com/wp-content/gallery/graal-online-classic-overview/graal-online-classic-world.jpg
this person made a mmo using c++ based off graal (provided in picture)
the video uses multithread for server which is no good, ( i will not be using multithread)
overall in basic, i just want to know what i need to learn and do in order to successfully build a mmo
nothing huge, just a few players and see where it can go from there.
found this link for making mmos, first option in reply seems pretty good since it supports login and most things of what a mmo needs