Korean input bug in UWP build

Hello, I built with UWP to launch a game on MS Store.

However, if you enter Korean in the input field of textMeshPro in the UWP build, the consonants and vowels are separated and displayed.
ex) Expected results: “가나다”, Actual results: “ㄱㅏㄴㅏㄷㅏ”

Strangely, It will print normally when you try it in Unity Editor.
In addition, the touch keyboard in the UWP build will output normally.

If you know how to solve a bug like this, please help me.

Unity Version - 2021.3.8f1
TextMeshPro Version - 3.0.6
Build Type - XAML Project
Platform - Universal Windows Platform(UWP)

This isn’t my area but you should be aware that there is a dedicated TMP forum here: Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

I can move your post if you wish?

Yes i wish. thank you

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Done! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for raising this issue!

I’ve done a lot of work with UWP’s TouchScreenKeyboard and IME implementation in the past.
This definitely sounds like a bug with UWP and so please file a Unity bug if you haven’t already.

This is because UWP uses a completely different platform implementation than the Editor and Windows StandalonePlayer; it uses WinRT instead of Win32. Strangely enough UWP != Windows :slight_smile:

That is odd, because TouchScreenKeyboard and IME are provided by the same WinRT API, specifically CoreTextEditContext, and so Unity’s implementation handles both scenarios.

Anyway, I doubt this is a TMP issue, but we’ll need a bug report in order to investigate.

Thank you for your answer. I just created a bug report.

Automatic response just send me “Your request status has changed to Closed with resolution Not Qualified.”
Is there any resolution to solve this?

I looked into what happened and apparently there was some kind glitch in the process.

Ticket IN-17424 (one that was closed) was determined to be a duplicate of IN-18130, which is still open and has been promoted to an official bug. Closing the duplicate ticket as “Not Qualified” was a mistake and QA incoming said they’ll work to fix the issue.

I’m sorry for the confusion (I was also surprised), but I did confirm there is an open bug ticket for this issue.