Now I can’t able to understand why TextMeshPro component not able to display texts properly though I have used special Korean supported fonts.
Any how for the quality, i want to use TextMeshPro-Text but with this kind of output how can I move ahead! Not just with Korean language but with some languages have the same problem in TextMeshPro.
It’s possible the glyphs are not included in the static font asset. You need to specifically include these characters (unicode range) when creating the static font asset. Another option is to create a dynamic font asset which is simpler as you don’t need to provide unicode range. Please refer to the forum link below for additional information on creating dynamic font asset.
Thank you @jonathan_h for your quick reply and good news is, I have created a dynamic font and Korean and Thai languages started working properly.
From the link this video really become useful to me:
Still I was facing problem with the Hindi language, can you able to suggest me for this?
Dynamic font could not able to handle Hindi language fonts.
This font I have used for testing for Hindi language texts:
I need more details regarding the issue with the Hindi language font. Where you able to create the font asset? If yes then what is exactly the issue you are having?
For Hindi language, I can’t able to find a font that can support Hindi language so Unity editor can’t able to recognise this language as like Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.
Here you have a screenshot of my language selection screen:
Please create static font asset with the correct unicode range and let me know if it works. Also, please provide the version of editor and TextMeshPro that you are using.
Let me reply for all points those you have asked.
Unity Version 2021.1.13f1
TextMeshPro Version 3.0.6
I have applied the same trick that i used for Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.
Used specific font for Hindi language.
I was using Google Fonts for languages which do not supported by the default game used font and I have picked this font style.
This is the result that I am getting at present:
Not displaying Hindi content correctly in Editor window plus in the game window too.
This is the correct way of writing Hindi (हिन्दी) in the local language, compare with my screenshot.
Similarly all texts written in wrong way though it’s started writing little bit in Hindi language.
After talking to the team, it seems Hindi language is not fully supported yet in TextMeshPro. However, there is some Unity asset store plugins compatible with TextMeshPro that you can use. Alternatively, you can try using the ITextPreprocessor interface to render the text correctly.
Hello Siddharth,
Were u able to fix the issue of the text not rendering properly both inspector and TMP? im trying to use kannada font and it is not rendering the text in the proper order when there are some characters in subscript.