
Hi guys I’m a about to release a basic 2D platformer (my asset) in upcoming weeks so I wanted to let you guys know … It features :

  • Full player controll
  • Shooting, moving, chasing and flaying animise
  • Moving platforms
  • Time, score, player and animes health manager
  • Checkpoints
  • Climbing leaders
  • Range of prefabs to make your own game in seconds
  • Range of Kenny Art includes 500 sprites
  • And more…

To give you guys a better image I have created a trailer (I have improved the moving platformer bug) on YouTube:

Feel free to let me know what else would you want to include and if you like the asset or not.
one more thing please give me your opinion on how much it should cost.

Its a good idea not to spam the same question in multiple posts, about the same content. Try to continue with the same thread as much as possible, even if you post in the wrong thread. Mods will move if needed.

Perform your own research and use you best judgement on pricing. Also Unity provides a pricing guide and most likely won’t let you under bid existing products very much unless your product doesn’t have as many features as other products.
Check out section 6
Unity Asset Store Submission Guidelines - Asset Store
“If we feel your content may be better priced in a different range, we will let you know. We suggest examining the pricing of similar assets on the store and following their example. Items on the Asset Store may not be sold for a lower price on other sites. Attempting to grossly undercut pricing of similar products is actively discouraged.”

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