Label Name For game object

I need a script where I can look at an object and a piece of text appears above it when I look at it. Please help.

I’m thinking that if you want to just see the label when the object is in a specific eye-line range area. You could create a collider (box collider) with no mesh renderer attached and make it a child of your character or whatever is looking at this object. Check the isTrigger box and get it to trigger the label.

Make the label a child of the object and start with its mesh renderer disabled. Also, place it in a label layer.

Here is the trigger code. This is in C#:

void OnTriggerEnter( Collider other )
	if( other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer( "Labels" )
		other.renderer.enabled = true;
void OnTriggerExit( Collider other )
	if( other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer( "Labels" )
		other.renderer.enabled = false;

Hope that helps!!

EDIT: Also, a rigid body has to be attached to at least one of the entities entering the trigger.