Label not Updating

Pretty simple code, for a label displaying the current X and Y coordinates of the mouse. Problem is, the Labels are not updating properly. Code JS for OnGUI:

var str : String;
str = "Mouse X: " + Input.mousePosition.x;
GUI.Label(Rect( 170, 2, 60, 20), str);
str = "Mouse Y: " + Input.mousePosition.y;
GUI.Label(Rect( 170, 12, 60, 20), str);

The debug logs correctly “Mouse X: ###” but the label does not include the numbers on either x or y.

I looked around and didn’t find anyone with the same issue and I consider myself a competent coder, so you can understand how something this simple bugs the crap out of me.

I don’t actually need to solve this problem, but I would love an answer. Thanks in advance.

Ugh, I know why - you haven’t made your label wide enough!