Ladder climbing


I have tried to make a ladder climbing script for a few hours now but I can’t make it work properly.

How would you guys go about making a simple (just moving up or down with ladder and getting on platform) ladder climbing system?


I did it with a separate movement controller that got enabled and took over when you reached the ladder, and then would disengage when you got off it.

That controller would turn off the main player controller when you reached the ladder, and it would only pay attention to the up/down keys, and when you got off the ladder it would turn the main player controller back on.

It had two modes: one was sliding smoothly up and down the ladder, and the other mode was transitioning on or off the ladder end.

The top transition was more tricky because when you join the ladder you enter that mode and it has to sorta lift you over the ladder and spin you to face the ladder. Same in reverse when you climbed up.

It was fiddly but not too fiddly if you make a simple test scene to debug it all.