Lag and hitching when adjusting Transform in Inspector in 2020.1 (occurs since beta 13)

Hi all, I hope to raise awareness on confirmed issues with slow redraw/lag when rotating, moving, sccaling an object using the number fields and dragging the mouse in the object’s inspector. This occurs in the current LTS 2020.1 build and started occuring in beta 13. It doesn’t occur in the current Alpha build or Beta 12.

What we just discovered is that if you nest the game object (something like a mesh or skinned mesh) into an empty game object and use the transform fields there, the lag doesn’t occur.

Using the Gizmo to move, rotate, rescale doesn’t cause the issue.

Same thing occurs with an object’s collider - adjusting it by dragging around the number fields will induce hitching and lag as the object redraws.

This was tested on Windows 8.1, 10 with latest drivers, with a 1080 and a 970.

thanks for your attention

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I can confirm this is still a problem in Unity 2020.1.0f1
Very choppy when moving transforms, the workaround of parenting objects to an empty game object works but does not fix the problem

Hi @doomquake @cyberdrizzt ,

Would you mind to report this bug, by following these instructions: Unity QA: Building quality with passion

This will help to check the problem with more detail and to be able to fix it properly.

Thank you!

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OK Diego doing so now thanks

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