Lag on Android when EGL context released

The 3D game I’m developing has a significant lag every 10 seconds or so on Android platform. I profiled the application with Logcat and built-in profiler and found following messages when the lag occurs.

D/Unity   (13042): Android Unity internal profiler stats:
D/Unity   (13042): cpu-player>    min:  3.4   max: 11.5   avg:  5.7
D/Unity   (13042): cpu-ogles-drv> min:  1.3   max:  8.5   avg:  2.4
D/Unity   (13042): cpu-present>   min:  1.1   max: 23.5   avg:  9.8
D/Unity   (13042): frametime>     min: 10.1   max: 29.9   avg: 17.9
D/Unity   (13042): draw-call #>   min:  22    max:  22    avg:  22     | batched:   111
D/Unity   (13042): tris #>        min:  4947  max:  4983  avg:  4965   | batched:  5769
D/Unity   (13042): verts #>       min:  5141  max:  5203  avg:  5173   | batched:  3442
D/Unity   (13042): player-detail> physx:  0.1 animation:  0.3 culling  0.0 skinning:  0.4 batching:  0.5 render:  3.4 fixed-update-count: 0 .. 1
D/Unity   (13042): mono-scripts>  update:  0.7   fixedUpdate:  0.0 coroutines:  0.0 
D/Unity   (13042): mono-memory>   used heap: 520192 allocated heap: 643072  max number of collections: 0 collection total duration:  0.0
D/Unity   (13042): ----------------------------------------
D/PhoneWindow(13042): couldn't save which view has focus because the focused view com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$13@40540ac0 has no id.
D/Unity   (13042): NativeActivity save instance state: 0x29d5b0
D/Unity   (13042): NativeActivity pause: 0x29d5b0
I/ActivityManager(  128): Starting: Intent { flg=0x10000000 (has extras) } from pid 11945
I/GLThread(13042): onPause tid=11
I/Main thread(13042): onPause waiting for mPaused.
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): stopOutput() output 1, stream 3, session 960
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): getNewDevice() selected device 0
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): setOutputDevice() output 1 device 0 delayMs 0 force 0
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): setOutputDevice() setting same device 0 or null device for output 1
I/GLThread(13042): mPaused is now true tid=11
I/GLThread(13042): releasing EGL surface because paused tid=11
W/EglHelper(13042): destroySurface()  tid=11
W/EglHelper(13042): finish() tid=11
I/GLThread(13042): releasing EGL context because paused tid=11
E/SensorManager(13042): unregisterListener:: all sensors,  listener = com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer@4052f380
W/ActivityManager(  128): Trying to launch
D/Unity   (13042): NativeActivity window focus changed: 0x29d5b0 -- 0
D/Unity   (13042): NativeActivity window focus changed: 0x29d5b0 -- 1
D/Unity   (13042): NativeActivity resume: 0x29d5b0
W/InputManagerService(  128): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40aa8b00
I/InputReader(  128): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0
I/InputDispatcher(  128): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '4096d230 (server)'
I/InputReader(  128): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1
I/InputDispatcher(  128): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '4096d230 (server)'
D/InfoAlarmWidgetNews(12435): onReceive
D/InfoAlarmWidgetNews(12435): widget onReceive ->
I/GLThread(13042): onResume tid=11
I/Main thread(13042): onResume waiting for !mPaused.
I/GLThread(13042): mPaused is now false tid=11
W/EglHelper(13042): start() tid=11
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): startOutput() output 1, stream 3, session 961
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 2
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): getDeviceForStrategy() from cache strategy 0, device 2
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): getNewDevice() selected device 2
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): setOutputDevice() output 1 device 2 delayMs 0 force 0
V/AudioPolicyManager(   83): setOutputDevice() setting same device 2 or null device for output 1
D/Unity   (13042): Creating OpenGL ES 1.x context (RGB16 565 24/8)
W/EglHelper(13042): createContext tid=11
E/SensorManager(13042): registerListener :: handle = 0  name= BMA023 Acceleration Sensor delay= 20000 Listener= com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer@4052f380
E/SensorManager(13042): reg :: handle = 0
E/SensorManager(13042): registerListener :: handle = 1  name= MS-3C Magnetic Sensor delay= 20000 Listener= com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer@4052f380
W/GLThread(13042): egl createSurface
W/EglHelper(13042): createSurface()  tid=11
W/GLThread(13042): onSurfaceCreated
E/SensorManager(13042): reg :: handle = 1
W/GLThread(13042): onSurfaceChanged(800, 480)
D/Unity   (13042): Android Unity internal profiler stats:
D/Unity   (13042): cpu-player>    min:  3.4   max: 11.8   avg:  5.4
D/Unity   (13042): cpu-ogles-drv> min:  1.3   max: 146.3   avg:  7.2
D/Unity   (13042): cpu-present>   min:  0.9   max: 1564.0   avg: 61.5
D/Unity   (13042): frametime>     min:  9.7   max: 1573.2   avg: 74.2
D/Unity   (13042): draw-call #>   min:  22    max:  22    avg:  22     | batched:   109
D/Unity   (13042): tris #>        min:  4929  max:  4947  avg:  4932   | batched:  5672
D/Unity   (13042): verts #>       min:  5110  max:  5141  avg:  5115   | batched:  3384
D/Unity   (13042): player-detail> physx:  0.3 animation:  0.3 culling  0.0 skinning:  0.4 batching:  0.5 render:  2.9 fixed-update-count: 0 .. 8
D/Unity   (13042): mono-scripts>  update:  0.5   fixedUpdate:  0.0 coroutines:  0.0 
D/Unity   (13042): mono-memory>   used heap: 520192 allocated heap: 643072  max number of collections: 0 collection total duration:  0.0
D/Unity   (13042): ----------------------------------------

It seems that the focus is lost for Unity Player automatically (I didn’t press home, pause or back buttons) resulting in loosing the OpenGL context. Some forum threads read this is usual behavior for Android, and I even tried the Application.runInBackground = true; without any success. I assumed the lag could be a result of Unity engine loading all the resources again and tried with few of meshes on the scene but found no improvement.
I have tested the same application on iPhone and didn’t find any lag similar to Android.
Is there anyway I can avoid releasing OpenGL context in the middle of gameplay? Or any other solution to solve this lag?

(I am using Unity 3.4 with Android 2.3.3 SDK on Samsung Galaxy S)

I found out that this EGL context release in the middle of gameplay is caused by a recent Google Maps update I’ve installed. After uninstalling those updates and re-installing the latest google maps updates, I have managed to solve the problem.