Lag & weird behaviour with native two hand taps on dev kit

Hi there,

I’m working on a test project before porting out game to visionOS and trying to replicate the touch input from Touchscreen with Apples native indirect tap gesture.

While single touches and swipes seem to work fine, tapping with both hands (like putting two fingers on the touchscreen) is very laggy. There’s a delay from 2-3 seconds until the system recognises that two touches are active. Sometimes they are recognised immediately.

The script is fairly simple:

using Touch = UnityEngine.InputSystem.EnhancedTouch.Touch;

void Update()
    var activeTouches = Touch.activeTouches;
    if (activeTouches.Count == 1) _cubeController.SwitchToBlue();
    else if (activeTouches.Count == 2) _cubeController.SwitchToGreen();

However as mentioned above, it takes up to about 3 seconds to switch the cubes material if activeTouches.Count == 2.

Additionally, the system seems to lose track of the activeTouches when using two hands from time to time. When quickly tapping with both hands, it’s possible that the system will have touches registered, even if there aren’t any.

Is there any other way to get stable touch data?

Thanks in advance!

We have the same issue with touches remaining active after having ended, and have reported a bug with it… (IN-58068) - Touch input remains active after pinch gesture has ended

I’m using this as a temporary workaround instead of accessing Touch.activeTouches directly

    List<Touch> _activeTouches = new List<Touch>();
    private List<Touch> GetActiveTouches()
        // Due to errors in PolySpatial 
        // Secondary touches in particular can stay in the activeTouches buffer, even when they are no longer valid
        // This is a temporary workaround that handles the issue 90% of the time

        var activeTouches = Touch.activeTouches;

        foreach (var t in activeTouches)
            var his = t.history;

            bool valid = true;

            // Check the startTime for everything in the touch history
            for (int k = 0; k < his.Count; ++k)
                if (his[k].startTime != t.startTime || his[k].touchId != t.touchId)
                    valid = false;
            // If history is empty and touchphase != began this is invalid
            if (his.Count == 0 && t.phase != TouchPhase.Began)
                valid = false;
            // If history is not empty and touchphase == began this is invalid
            if (his.Count > 0 && t.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
                valid = false;
            if (valid)

        return _activeTouches;
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Thanks for sharing the workaround! I’ll give it a try and check if it has any influence on the delays as well

Was this in the simulator or devkit?

I’m finding in the simulator that sometimes TouchPhase.Began isn’t called for both touches at the same time. It seems like it usually is, but then will stop doing this at random.

Ok, for me it appears to occur when the materials in the scene are darker - the bug mentioned here

I tried the fixes suggested, plus replacing xcode project, reimport all and rebooting, but no dice.

However, entering play mode in Unity, then exiting it, then replacing the xcode project did work. Will see if i can replicate that fix next time it occurs.

This is on the dev kit. We also played our game in compatibility mode (iPad mode) on the dev kit and experienced similar issues.

Good to hear that apparently there’s some way to workaround this. However I expect Apple and Unity to provide reliable input data, hopefully this will be fixed in near future

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