By now I’ve read a bunch about this issue.
I have a foreach iterating over a dictionary, instantiating objects with a Toggle component and I’m adding an event handler for the ValueChanged event in it, passing the dictionary key as a parameter.
Of course, the loop Pair<int,string> is captured. I read about that. The callback always gets the last key, because we’ve been changing the same variable that it has.
So I did what everybody said: take a local copy inside of the loop.
It doesn’t work. I get the same result as when using the pair.Key directly.
Edit: I thought even’t wasn’t firing and it was (since log had the same number, it was grouped!), so I’ve removed all references to that issue. Lambda issue is still there though.
-Local copy to break out of the lambda closure is not working. Why? How should it be done?
Here’s the code:
Transform newToggleTransform;
RectTransform newToggleRect;
Toggle newToggle;
Text newToggleText;
ToggleId newToggleId;
float xPos = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int,string> pair in retails) {
newToggleTransform = Instantiate(retailTogglePrefab, new Vector3(xPos, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
newToggle = newToggleTransform.GetComponent<Toggle> ();
newToggle.isOn = false;
if (xPos == 0) {
newToggle.isOn = true; // doesn't fire, as expected
activateRetail(true,pair.Key); // so we call the callback manually. This works :)
Debug.Log ("toggled because xPos == 0");
newToggle.group = retailGroupPanel.GetComponent<ToggleGroup> ();
newToggleText = newToggleTransform.GetComponent<Text> ();
newToggleText.text = pair.Value; // retailName
newToggleId = newToggleTransform.GetComponent<ToggleId> ();
newToggleId.toggleId = pair.Key; // retailId <-- do we even need this?
newToggleRect = newToggleTransform.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
int temp = pair.Key;
newToggle.onValueChanged.AddListener((value) => {
Debug.Log ("listener fired, calling with "+temp.ToString()); // called only once, with the last key :(
xPos += newToggleRect.rect.width;