Landscape Builder - Procedural Terrains, Advanced Prefab System, spline tool, and more

Landscape Builder 2.0.3 is now available

LB 2.0.3 has been submitted for approval. It is also available immediately if you have signed up for the [Beta Program]( [BETA PROGRAM] Landscape Builder - realworld, GPU acceleration, prefab placement page-4#post-3427965).

It includes the following changes:

[NEW] Grass Populating Mode - Groups Only - [details here]( [BETA PROGRAM] Landscape Builder - realworld, GPU acceleration, prefab placement page-4#post-3428071)
[FIXED] Group-level Grass ignores noise Placement Cutoff and Octaves
[FIXED] Grass type is not selectable in Groups Grass tab if (I)nsert button used on Grass tab
[FIXED] Texture type is not selectable in Groups Tex tab if (I)nsert button used on Texture tab
[IMPROVED] Wider range for noise Grass Placement Cutoff
[IMPROVED] Support for 2018.1