Landscape Builder 2.0.3 is now available
LB 2.0.3 has been submitted for approval. It is also available immediately if you have signed up for the [Beta Program]( [BETA PROGRAM] Landscape Builder - realworld, GPU acceleration, prefab placement page-4#post-3427965).
It includes the following changes:
[NEW] Grass Populating Mode - Groups Only - [details here]( [BETA PROGRAM] Landscape Builder - realworld, GPU acceleration, prefab placement page-4#post-3428071)
[FIXED] Group-level Grass ignores noise Placement Cutoff and Octaves
[FIXED] Grass type is not selectable in Groups Grass tab if (I)nsert button used on Grass tab
[FIXED] Texture type is not selectable in Groups Tex tab if (I)nsert button used on Texture tab
[IMPROVED] Wider range for noise Grass Placement Cutoff
[IMPROVED] Support for 2018.1