Language Reference

Hi there,
I have a simple question. Is there a Javascript language reference for the dialect used in Unity?
Thanx a lot,

I guess you are looking for this:

More documents can be found here:

… and here:

Thank you for that links they are very helpful but not exactly what I was looking for.

The language used in Unity scripts is called Javascript but from what I have seen there are some language elements that are not used in the Javascript used in web browsers. E.g. the “class” statement. It resembles more to Flash Actionscript.

So I was looking for a Language Reference or Description about the Javascript dialect used here (literals, control structures, language idioms) or a reference to what standart is used. Is that available in any form?

Thx! tt

Unity’s JavaScript is a custom implementation so you won’t find any exact documentation apart from the Unity reference and the forum posts here.

Unity’s JavaScript is IIRC now “pretty close” to the ECMAScript 2.0 standard. So if you want a general language introduction, that’s where I’d look. I’m not sure however, how much of the ECMAScript standard is implemented in Unity’s JavaScript.

Unity’s JavaScript is basically a port of Boo with another syntax. In my experience the two a really close and looking at the Boo documentation can give you some insight, though you’ll have to guess the correct syntax.

Hi Adrian,
thanx a lot, that was very informative. I will look that up.
I think it would be a good thing for the Unity guys to give a us language reference. Otherwise, we are condemned to trial and error. :?