Large levels, streaming , data : what is in unity for that ?

hello people,
don’t know if i’m in the correct section but didn’t found a more appropriate one to ask…
i’m basically a 3D artist with some coding background , i love shaders very much.
i didn’t get fully into C# coding so excuse me if it sounds noobish.
my project is mainly a persistent large terrain, targetting webplayer mostly.

wich Tools are in built-in in U5 for managing large worlds, persistent data?

  • terrain streaming ?
  • object streaming ? LOD streaming ?
  • local data ? server data ?

any answer is appreciated

As far as I know there are no build-in tools for managing persistent data within Unity at all.
Unity does support the streaming of assets. But that’s not what you’re asking for, right?

I’m not sure if building a game using a persistent world with heavy client/server stuff is the best project to start with for someone who’s a “3D artist with some coding Background”. :wink:

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There have been blog posts about the team working on tools to allow better control of what scenes are loaded but I haven’t seen anything in awhile.

sure you’re right, that is not the best project to start with… so i’m not starting with that :wink:
just asking if assets can be streamed “on demand” and if the webplayer can use some data stored serverside ( level, states, last infos etc etc) or if they might be stored clientside.
was also wondering if there was a built in kinda continuous lod streaming.

this idea, (among other ideas) has just one level, not that complicated but quite large, so, if i could Stream geometry and assets on demand that would help instead of loading a massive file. i also would like to store game state serverside, so a player can play on any browser with his last position Equipment etc etc

and … before going into a project, i like to know if i have all the possibilities required, if not, i just jump onto another.


some hints ?

It should be possible to use the WWW class to load assets in at run time:

I’ve never created a web game myself though, so I can’t speak from experience on how well this works.

Hi thomas, sounds like an interesting bit of information…
maybe i should learn what i can serialize and write to a remote server…
hope more skilled people like you makes me see it clearly.
thank you

You can stream asset bundles: Unity - Scripting API: AssetBundle

Asset bundles can contain any kind of asset, which should allow you to stream parts of your terrain and whatever else you need.


now that’s interesting thomas
thanks millions