the title says it all. Last spring, somewhere between March and May, Android and iOS licenses were free. Do you think Unity will repeat something like that this year, now that Unity 4 is out?
the title says it all. Last spring, somewhere between March and May, Android and iOS licenses were free. Do you think Unity will repeat something like that this year, now that Unity 4 is out?
They were free mainly to promote upgrade sales for those upgrading to 4. They may be free again, but if they are (I’m not too sure they will be), it will be shortly before Unity 5 is announced.
I think it was a way to get a number or users hooked into developing for those platforms, knowing that Unity 4 was around the corner and that those licenses would not work with Unity 4, requiring those projects/teams to have to seriously consider buying licenses. That said, it’s still possible to stay on 3.5 as long as you like.
We hope this year Unity present free basics license for Unity 4 , iOS and Android … Are there any news for that ?
It would not make commercial sense now… it may happen at 4.5 or 4.6 iteration and before the upgrade to 5.0. More probable they are planning some sort of rebate in Spring 2013 aimed to new customers / old licensed users
This. So, no, probably not anytime soon.