Trying to launch a basic default Unity app in the headset only renders an entirely black display. I can interact with the the app when I launch to VR from editor, but not when I create an actual “Universal Windows Platform” project. I tried launch another app on my device (HoloTour), and I also get a black screen. I noticed an issue listed on here: Troubleshooting Windows Mixed Reality - Enthusiast Guide | Microsoft Learn but I am using a desktop with a GTX 970. Everything works as expected (both HoloTour and the default Unity app launch as expected) on my other PC which has a GTX 1080.
We are tracking the issue and have a fix in the works to address the issue, let us know if you have questions.
Thank you,
Any Idea as to when this will be fixed for the Hololens? I see that the MR HMDs are fixed.