Hello there,
My apologies if this topic is the copy my post in some other thread of iPhone dev forums, but this is very dev breaking for me. As dev deadline is approaching, I want to be sure that this is read properly.
This is also stopping me from buying Unity Pro + iPhone Advanced, to be honest, as I currently can’t tell if it’s a bug at all.
So here it is : I have some difference between Unity iPhone editor and my iPhone screen :
Set 2 cameras, one rendering a normal 3D scene in Layer 8, and a second ortographic rendering the HUD in Layer 9.
cam1 has clear Flags on skybox and is depth 0, cam2 has depth 10 and clear Flasg on Depth only.
In iPhone Unity, I can see the HUD, but on the iPhone, it has disappeared …
I’ve tested multiple manipulations, like setting the 3D objects to Layer 9, setting the cam2 to perspective mode, setting cam2 to Layer 8…
Just no good, the top layer won’t never show on iPhone.
If it can help, I’ve set 2 GUI Text in the HUD Layer, and they are properly shown on iPhone.
Seems that only 3D objects can’t show on (the whole HUD is made of 3D planars).
I already submitted a bug report under sotfware, but as once again, I’m not sure if it’s a bug at all, this topic is here.
Are there some more tricks to do for that top layer to be shown on iPhone ?
Does iPhone even support multiple layers ?
Thank you for your attention