Looking at the Lightmap or any other shader with Bump/Normal mapping support, is there any way of layering the Bump shaders?
So we can have a base map and blend another bump map over the top with some kind of opacity control, think PS layers.
In Unreal we can create shaders using the Material ed and have two normal maps blending, i guess the only way to do this in Unity is to write a custom shader?
Has anyone created such a shader.
Work around is layering these in PS but it would save much time being able to do this within UNity
Why would you sacrifice so many drawcalls for a layered Bumpmap? Go into your image editor of choice and layer your detail bump over your regular grayscale map. Then (in unity) use the combined version of your texture to be converted into one bumpmap.
It’s a little trickier if you already have one normalmap which you want to layer your detail gryscale into, though. In that case you’d need to convert your bump into a normal and merge those two inside your bitmap program.
For that use the Normalmap plugin from Gimp (which I linked you to in the other thread of yours): http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?p=116695#116695
I can see many useful reasons for doing it so. First of all, you could hide tiling, by working with two normal maps, with two different tilings. Also, if you want to be able to add some additional bumpiness to a specific area, on top of the original, I could see this useful. Lastly, if you want to make some animated bumpy noise, you could work with two, or more, different animated maps, a little like making waves in water, which often are made out of wawes on top of each other, moving different ways.