Hi there, I am attempting to use multiplayer play mode to help speed up my development, but I have an issue when I try to open virtual player windows.
I am using a third party asset called “Ready Player Me” for avatars, and when you install that package, you get a little “Help/welcome” type pop up window. The trouble is, every time I try to start a virtual player, I get this “help/welcome” pop up, and there is no layout drop down menu present in the virtual player window.
Is there some way to prevent this window from popping up and taking over the virtual player window, or a way to reset the window to include the layout drop down?
I am using unity 6 and the latest version of multiplayer play mode, any help or advice is greatly appreciated! thank you
Not without investigating the issue. Your best bet is to change the code that opens up this popup, either simply disable it entirely or add code to it that checks if it’s running inside a virtual player. However I believe the latter is still all internal code as last time I checked we can only read out a virtual player’s tags.
Be sure to inform the asset developer of this issue.
You could also try and enter the required info to dismiss the popup window and hope that this sticks.
Side note: Unity keeps having this issue themselves. For instance in a HDRP project it will automatically open the HDRP wizard window until you dismissed it once. In virtual players, despite being dismissed in the main editor, the wizard also opens and needs to be dismissed once for each virtual player. Can’t recall but it may even have been every time you activate a VP, or just once until the Library is deleted.
I suppose this is due to virtual players not sharing the main editor’s EditorPrefs and similar storage locations. Meaning they behave like (and in fact simply are) separate editor instances.
Thank you for the reply, I believe you are correct that it is a Unity issue (ie the HDRP wizard) I have found more people with this problem pointing to various plugins/windows preventing them from using multiplayer play mode. Hopefully unity will look into it soon!
I hope so too but I have a hunch that most of these issues are due to how the popups are made. I suspect many instances where publishers need to fix their code to be compatible with MPPM.