Lean touch with ARKit Plugin

I am using Lean Touch with ARKit, i select images from the photo gallery, then ARKit detects a wall and i can put the images on the wall. In the editor i can select images , rotate , scale etc also on iPhone i can do the same before the images are put on a detected vertical plane with ARKit.
After i put the images on the wall on the iphone, i can still scale , rotate but i cannot select other images, i am not sure why.
To select images i am using a LeanSelect and LeanFingerDown script, the events seem to stop working after adding the image to the plane.
The vertical plane detection code is in UnityARHitTestExample with the ARKit plugin , anyone have any insight into why this might happen?

3446761–272961–UnityARHitTestExample.cs (4.33 KB)

I solved this by turning off the ARKitPlane layer mask on LeanSelect Object

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