[LeanTween.MoveSpline] Get Array Point Value between Array Vector

Hello, How can I get an array Point between 4 array vector for LeanTween.MoveSpline ?

My script is this:

public Transform[] a;
public Transform[] b;
public Transform[] c;
public Transform[] d;
public GameObject[] allObjPointRef;
public float[] distance;
float dekat;

public void MovePos ()
    dekat = 1000;
    int dekatNum = 0;
    Vector3 posE;
    for (int i = 0; i < allObjPointRef.Length / 4; i++)
        Vector3 posA = a[i].position;
        Vector3 posB = b[i].position;
        Vector3 posC = c[i].position;
        Vector3 posD = d[i].position;
        distance[i] = Vector3.Distance(camPos.position, posA);
        distance[i] = Vector3.Distance(camPos.position, posB);
        distance[i] = Vector3.Distance(camPos.position, posC);
        distance[i] = Vector3.Distance(camPos.position, posD);
        if (dekat > distance[i])
            dekat = distance[i];
            dekatNum = i;

Im not sure I understand. Please elaborate. Is this actually a LeanTween.MoveSpline specific question or simply a C# one?

If you want to calculate a point between two points, you calculate the average of the two points:

Vector3 posAC = (posA + posC) / 2f;
Vector3 posBC = (posB + posC) / 2f;
Vector3 posAD = (posA + posD) / 2f;
Vector3 posBD = (posB + posD) / 2f;

Are you saying you want to put these 4 vectors in an array?