Learning C# but how with unity3d?


My problem is not finding tutorials or what lang that is best, no… my problem is that i don’t really understand how I need to learn my c# scripting with unity3D, how to i connect that i learn in C# with unity? Like taking in the unity3D c# part with the normal C# part that i find online. help me understand please :slight_smile:
if you dont understand my question, im gladly will retype it more understandable, or at lest try to make it so :slight_smile:

If you don't know any programming language, I would suggest that javascript might be easier to learn.

It seems like much of the documentation and example code is written in javascript.

Reading the documentation and checking out sample projects is going to be the best way to get an idea of where to start.

In my opinion, the online .Net documentation is somewhat hard to read.

In contrast, the Unity scripting reference is excellent and very easy to read.

You want to start by reading the docs and writing the simplest programs you can imagine.

Thanks all! will skip c# for now and just go for unityscriping! :slight_smile: