Hi all,
in order to grow my knowledge in Unity, I need to understand how Javascript works. I haven’t any previous programming experience. So I ask you an advice about a good book or online resource or anyting you think it’s the right tool for learning Javascript(not for general use, just for Unity production).
What Unity provides is not actually Javascript, but something that looks like it. Bear this in mind during your learning process, since there will be Javascript code that you’ll find online which doesn’t apply to Unity.
I recommend you start by following the 2D Gameplay and 3D platform tutorials, since they examine the Unity scripts they use, and then move on to some basic online tutorials (just google for “javscript tutorial”). A full-blown book in Javascript book is likely to end up touching in areas where JS and Unity diverge, and at the basic level, they’re all likely to be similar.
Thank you so much Dreamora and Arges.
I’ll try to follow your indications, also if it’s difficoult to understand the logic of a language you don’t know without an introduction, simply looking at allready made pieces of code…
Thank you so much Dreamora and Arges.
I’ll try to follow your indications, also if it’s difficoult to understand the logic of a language you don’t know without an introduction, simply looking at allready made pieces of code…
I didn’t notice dreamora had posted pretty much the same advice before me.
The Unity examples are very well commented - I suggest you start with the 2D gameplay tutorial, since it’s simpler.
Just to insist: what’s key is not just reading, but doing. Read the comments on the code, change a couple things, run, see what happens. Repeat. That sort of experimentation will help you more than all the Javascript books in Amazon.
We may yet end up putting up some basic tutorials on our site, of the sort that Thomas suggested here: http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=16518 It would seem that Unity attracts a lot of artistically-inclined people and that sort of stuff might be useful.
Will Goldstone (www.willgoldstone.com) has some basic unity tutorials and he goes into some very basic Scripts. The basic scripts helped me a lot in that they were simple enough for me (also a non-coder) to understand.
What would be extremely helpful to me and I’m sure a lot of other beginners would be a video tutorial on the basic setup and implementation of an enemy controller script. That has been my sticking point in two of the three Unity games I’m working on.
Please, Please, Please somebody do a video tutorial on that
I’ve got a tutorial coming up on Monday that deals with a related topic. While it’s not directly about enemies, it does set up a bunch of agents that compete for a goal (chasing a ball in this case, but it could just as easily be killing your character).
This is free for all, every cube for itself. I’m also working on a more elaborate behavior version, where two teams will compete and behave differently with an enemy than with a friend, but that’ll have to wait until I get some other work done.
However, if anyone would like to contribute a scene with a nice first person character / weapon and an animated enemy, I’d be happy to create a behavior for it as an example. It’ll probably be simpler (and be done faster) than the teams code I’m working on.
Hi All,
thanks again for your help. I’ve done the Will Goldstone tutorials (and it was very helpful) and now I’m doing the ‘official’ 2d platform tutorial. Ok, it’s interesting and clear BUT… would be fantastic to have a more ‘organized’ courseware in my opinion. You all are right: also a guy without coding attitude can learn from all these resources, but in my opinion it would be perfect to learn from material starting from 0 and growing to advanced techniques. I don’t know if I’m the only one with this point of view, but for me moving from a tutorial to another and learning things ‘piece by piece’ is a little harder…
Its always a pleasure (especially when trying to get help)
Im learning everything! wooh… from how to model and animate paint and texture the whole 9 yards a total newbie and im picking up everything pretty quickly except the scripting parts
It would be nice to see different variations of scripting from the ground up relating to unity and gaming.
Theres just not enough different examples its a quick and brief how to that may not pertain to what your doing and you have no idea where they were or where to go.
after bringing in my animation and model Just writing the code to get my character to animate is a daunting task right now… but im sure with patience and some good ideas from above i’ll figure it out.
It would be AWESOME to see more how to’s with scripting in unity. Just basic example with many different topics.
I dont want to learn javascript from a book or online because id be trying to write something that dosent pertain lol
Well I guess Id better stop now because Ive totally went out side the scope of what this post is about… sorry guys and gals.
By the way here’s my first attempt at unity everything I sure hope I get better lol